Can You Use LED Light Bulbs in Any Fixture?

Can You Use LED Light Bulbs in Any Fixture?

Compared to traditional bulbs, LED light bulbs are significantly more energy efficient. They’re able to produce a brighter light while drawing much less power consumption than their older counterparts. Because of this, many homeowners consider switching out their older bulbs for the newer superior LED bulbs. This then leads to the question of whether or…

How to Dispose of LED Light Bulbs

How to Dispose of LED Light Bulbs

If you’re environmentally conscious, you’ll probably already have an understanding of the many advantages LED light bulbs have in this respect. LED bulbs offer the longest lifespans of all bulb types, making them the most environmentally-friendly lighting choice on the market. An LED bulb can withstand daily usage for many years before it dies out;…

How to Remove LED Strip Lights From Wall and Reuse

How to Remove LED Strip Lights From Wall and Reuse

LED strip lights are versatile fixtures that enable you to add ambience to a space using minimal effort. They’re extremely easy to install, as these fixtures typically come with their own 3M adhesive. Then, after installing the strip lights, there may come a time when you need to take the fixture down. Whether you’re redecorating,…

Solutions to LED Light Turning On then Off Immediately

Solutions to LED Light Turning On then Off Immediately

Potential solutions for an LED light turning on and then off immediately include performing a hard reset of the bulb, trying the bulb in a different socket, resetting the power from the circuit breaker box, and finally, performing a software reset of the bulb. For LED strip lights, solutions include power cycling the lights, trying…

Why Do My LED Light Bulbs Keep Burning Out?

Why Do My LED Light Bulbs Keep Burning Out?

If you’ve done your research, you may already be aware of the impressive lifespan that LED bulbs have to offer. Under normal conditions, LED bulbs last significantly longer than traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs. So, if your LED bulbs are seemingly burning out before their expected lifespan, this is a clear indication of issues with…